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The Versatile Blogger Award

The lovely Iris at Polish Armor has passed The Versatile Blogger Award on to me, thank you SO much :)

Here are 2 rules that come with this award:
1.) List seven things about yourself
2.) Pass to 15 bloggers

7 Things, 
- well I already told 7 tings HERE, but I'll do short round of useless facts about me LOL:
1. I would love to hibernate from mid November to mid January - honestly!
2. I prefer licorice to chocolate.
3. If I drink coffee I'll stay awake 24 hours, and/or start to tremble LOL
4. I prefer fish or poultry to red meat, even if I do love that too from time to time.
5. I hate hand creams and cuticle oils with a lot of perfume.
6. I love sun-ripe fruit.
7. Favorite flower fragrance's, yellow freesia, hyacinth, and lilac.

Just like Iris, I'm going to break the rules with the 15 bloggers, most of you have it.
I'll try not to give it to anyone who already has it, and I'll try to avoid those who previously ignored an award :) - so here we go in no certain order:
Frazzle and Aniploish
Candy Glaze
Opinionated Little Finger
Paint that nail
Mimis Vanity Box
Sonoma Nail Art

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