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China Glaze Prism

China Glaze Prism - little nails

China Glaze Prism

It's so sparkly! This is one of the nail polishes that I bought after my self imposed ban ended. It was really hard to photograph actually, you can already see how different it looks just from the sun to the shade. Anyway, I think I'll leave the swatching of colours to the more professional peeps. 

I also just wanted to show why I have  to change my nail polish so often. The first photo in this post was taken this morning, just before I left for work. This photo here however, I snapped on my phone just as I got home this evening. Glitter DESTRUCTION! I am quite the fidgeter/picker of nail polish, and with glitter being so thick I just can't stop scratching it off. At least I have less glitter to remove at the end of the day!

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