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Who let the dot in – who, who, who…? Artsy Wednesday

Once again it’s our nice Artsy Wednesday, and the challenge is stripes.
I thought it would be appropriate for me to share my new advanced striping security system from Stripe Fence, called “Dot guard”, that supposedly: “Keeps dots out of any unwanted space by using a highly advanced striping system, that the simpleminded dot cannot figure out”. I bought it after the dots overwhelmed me in this mani...
All I can say is: Maybe this is one smart dot, but I’m disappointed and want a full refund!
OK, back to the boring facts; base color is Butter London HRH and the random pattern of stripes AND THE DOT is painted (freehand) acrylic colors before I top coated with Seche Vite…
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge, we now post simultaneously, so go right ahead: Michelle at Lab Muffin,  Alanna at Pretty Purple Polish, Holly at Hooked, Tif at Polished Genious, Lyndsey at Nails by Ms. Lizard, Sofie from Swååfie, Catrine from Unnakednails, Melanie at Nail & Polish, Jessica at Beauty Gnome,

Så er det igen Artsy Wednesday og udfordringen er striber.
Derfor synes jeg, at det ville være passende at vise jer mit nye avancerede stribe sikkerhedsssytem fra Stripe Fence, der hedder ”Dot Guard”, og som lover: ”Holder prikker væk fra alle uønskede områder ved hjælp af et højteknologisk stribesystem, som de mindre begavede prikker ikke kan finde ud af”. Jeg købte det efter at prikkerne overvældede mig i dette design...
Ja, jeg kan kun sige: Måske er det en rigtigt klog lille prik, men jeg er skuffet og vil have mine penge tilbage!
OK, og så de kedelige detajler; Grundfarven er Butter London HRH og de fuldstændigt tilfældige striber OG PRIKKEN er malet (frihånd) med akrylfarve før jeg topcoatede med Seche Vite…

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