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Micro Painting Monday 1

This is the first "Micro Painting Monday" - read more towards the end of this post...
Dette er den første Mikro Maleri Mandag - læs mere i slutningen af indlægget...
First we have C Coolcos 151 + one coat of P2 Just Fantastic and the "ground" is sponged with Sation Ego-Friendly.

Secondly we have China Glaze Octa Gone Wild - an amazing polish with a strong holo in all kinds of light! I chose to do simple floral vines on it.

Finally we have Cult Deal With it, the first nail is layered with a coat of Elixir Miss Kitty's Mee-Yow, but I dont remember the different kinds of flakies, shimmers and glitters on the rest, ah well base on #2 is Butter London Wallis and on the last the ground is probably China Glaze Atlantis...

Micro Painting Monday was born because I more and more often paint nail art on my nails, that I like to wear for several days.
A while back I started painting an artificial nail with my mani each time I did a new one, this way I get to keep it!
But since I love to paint more and more, I started painting other stuff just for fun - it makes me happy and is a complete zen-moment for me.
So that's basically how Micro Painting Monday evolved, and the paintings I'm going to show are born that way...
The benefits for me (and the glitter lovers among my readers) are many, but for one I can play with glitter as much as I like (because I'm not too keen on having it on my nails), and I can try colors, that aren't really "my colors" and create something I like anyhow.
Micro Painting Monday opstod fordi jeg tiere og tiere havde malet nail art på mine negle, som jeg gerne ville beholde på i flere dage.
For nogle måneder siden begyndte jeg derfor også at male en kunstig negl med samme motiv!
Men fordi jeg er blevet mere og mere glad forat male, begyndte jeg at male andet, bare for shov - det giver mig glæde - og jeg forsvinder helt ind i mig selv.
Så det er i store træk hvordan ideen opstod, og malerierne jeg vil vise er blevet til på den måde...
Fordelene er mange, men frem for alt kan jeg lege med glitter, som jeg ikke bryder så meget om på mine egne negle, men også med farver, som ikke er så gode til mig.
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